Friday, September 5, 2008

Ugly Layouts That Get Accepted on Createblog

So I'm looking at layouts on Createblog and they look really ugly. I can't believe some of the stuff that gets accepted.

Take a look at this one for example. Are you serious? I could make this in MS Paint. And the images look like it's taken from Microsoft Clipart.

Just horrible. This is the worst. How can something like this get accepted? It fucken sucks. There's nothing nice about it at all.

Come on Createblog. You can do better than this.


Unknown said...

<33333333333. i concur.

Anonymous said...

I'm a member of cB too.
and i agree with you.
some of the stuff that gets accepted truly sucks.
not just layouts, but graphics too.
i dont see how some of it gets accepted. =/