Thursday, September 4, 2008

MTV Video Music Awards 2008

Is anyone even excited about it? I'm not. The VMA's have lost their swag year after year. I mean why would I watch something with some band name Jonas Brothers, and Disney's Star Miley Cyrus on it? I want to see real shit. Heck I rather have Justin Timberlake and Lance Bass sing a Duet together.

Nutrition Jeopardy!!

So apparently, I just got back from an extra credit session for attending this Jeopardy game session they were holding for our Nutrition 10 class. So we got split into 4 groups. This one guy in another group cheated, and memorized the answers, since they were re-used questions from the previous session. So he answered almost everyone. That was no fun. Our team manage to end up with a -100 score, but we went all in on the Final Round, and came up with 0 points at the end! Yay! Our team was called the Perfect Proteins. :] The other team Nut-Trition one. Fuck them. The other teams were O-Beast, and Fatty Acids.


I like looking at pictures of bugs and insects. They look so cool up close.


I quibble because I care said...

Miley Cyrus is the anti christ

Cristy said...

The Jonas Brothers need to go away.

Joanne said...


Yeah, the VMA's are just not worth watching anymore. The attendees and performances are going downhill, and a lot of music videos just suck now. =\

And dude, I love bugs as much as the next girl... but looking at pictures of them up close just make me feel squirmy. I like staring at the bees/wasps when they fly on me though. =D