Thursday, October 1, 2009

School thus far

My stress level since school's started is at an all time high. So much stuff is going on, and I can't be at 2-3 places at once. I have ton's of reading every night. I go to class from 11-4pm, and go straight to work from 5-1opm. By the time I get home, I'm dead tired and don't feel like doing anything, which includes homework which is due the next day. So I end up waking up early every morning than I usually have to, just to do my homework. And I end up rushing and skimming through my readings, and not ever fully understanding the material going to class as unprepared as I can be. This also includes the bullshit I been dealing with at work, and all the damn freshmans who I've already hate. I hate Freshmans who leave their damn cups at the counter of the drinks area, when there's specifically an area that says Dish Return. I hate you all. I also missed the 1st Meeting of VSA of the schoolyear, because of work. I'm stressed so much, because I'm still waitlisted for my ANT 148 class, which I need or I have to wait another year for it, which I do not want. Life sucks. On the other hand, there's been some things that has been keeping me going and smiling. :) It's the weekend finally. Let's see what awaits.